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Anyone But Brasil Revisited.

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 13:10
by Golos izdaleka
Копирую с фб :)

8 years ago, a group of friends faced with a real possibility of Brasil winning their 3 World Cup in 4 attempts and ending up holding twice as many trophies as the next in line, decided to organize an Anyone But Brasil movement, putting aside our personal favourite teams to unite in a single goal of preventing a biggest football event in the world becoming a ritual Brasilian victory lap.
It worked back then, and since that the grip Brasil had on the World Cup has been sowewhat released, with Italy drawing very close to Brasil's 5 with their 4 - but because Brasil's win was almost an assumption ever since they were picked to host it, it will be hugely disappointing if the tournament follows the predefined script.
Therefore I hereby pledge to honour the team that knocks Brasil out of the tournament in a similar way France was honoured in 2006:
1. I will buy the replica shirt of that team.
2. I will learn the national anthem of that country and sing it front of camera while wearing the shirt.
3. I'll put the video on youtube and facebook.
If you too want this World Cup to become truly special, please feel welcome to join the movement

Re: Anyone But Brasil Revisited.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 10:59
by AlPet®
Golos izdaleka wrote:Копирую с фб :)

8 years ago, a group of friends faced with a real possibility of Brasil winning their 3 World Cup in 4 attempts and ending up holding twice as many trophies as the next in line, decided to organize an Anyone But Brasil movement, putting aside our personal favourite teams to unite in a single goal of preventing a biggest football event in the world becoming a ritual Brasilian victory lap.
It worked back then, and since that the grip Brasil had on the World Cup has been sowewhat released, with Italy drawing very close to Brasil's 5 with their 4 - but because Brasil's win was almost an assumption ever since they were picked to host it, it will be hugely disappointing if the tournament follows the predefined script.
Therefore I hereby pledge to honour the team that knocks Brasil out of the tournament in a similar way France was honoured in 2006:
1. I will buy the replica shirt of that team.
2. I will learn the national anthem of that country and sing it front of camera while wearing the shirt.
3. I'll put the video on youtube and facebook.
If you too want this World Cup to become truly special, please feel welcome to join the movement
Ты это, когда немецкий гимн петь будешь, смотри текст новый бери, а не старый с дойчланд, дойчланд убер алес. 8)

Дай знать, когда будет видео на ютюбе ;)

Re: Anyone But Brasil Revisited.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 11:01
by AlPet®
Хотя, у тебя есть хороший повод съехать - Бразилия-то еще не вылетела, еще будет играть за третье место :)
Но если они и за третье место проиграют, тогда придется две футболки, и два гимна, я считаю. ;)

Re: Anyone But Brasil Revisited.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 12:31
by Golos izdaleka
Сегодня пойду майку в магазине искать - боюсь, что раскупят быстро после вчерашнего.
Дети, кстати, тоже присоединятся.

После вчерашнего готов спеть гимн 7 раз ;)

Re: Anyone But Brasil Revisited.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 12:40
by AlPet®
Golos izdaleka wrote:Сегодня пойду майку в магазине искать - боюсь, что раскупят быстро после вчерашнего.
Дети, кстати, тоже присоединятся.
Англичане ж недолюбливают немцев, думаю, должно хватить на всех желающих, потому что желающих все-таки не так много будет, или такой футбол и такой результат аннигилировал все анти-симпатии? :)
Golos izdaleka wrote:После вчерашнего готов спеть гимн 7 раз ;)
Лучше еще аргентинский выучи :) Я очень надеюсь, что в матче за третье место будет играть Аргентина и она тоже победит. Порвать - не порвет, но победить должна. :) А сегодня - проиграть.

Re: Anyone But Brasil Revisited.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 13:11
by Golos izdaleka
Dа не, англичане к немцам относятся с симпатией.
Не любили их раньше, когда те стояли в защите и били по ногам.

Вчера почти все, кого я знаю, болели за немцев, которые сейчас более техничны и зрелищны чем Бразилия раз в 20 :)